1931 Vintage wine

1931 Vintage wine

1931, an unsatisfactory but rare vintage. 1931 was a cold year which therefore didn’t benefit the 1931 vintage wines. These wines are today very rare like the Château d‘Yquem 1931 and Château Coutet 1931 in Sauternes wines and Château Haut Brion 1931 in red Bordeaux wines.

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Old wines from 1931, find all our bottles currently in the cellar

Are you considering buying an old wine from 1931 ? To taste or to offer, a vintage wine is an excellent gift idea for a man as well as for a woman. A 90 years-old wine or 1931 Grand Cru ? A rare wine from 1931 ?

The entire SoDivin team is at your disposal to advise you in your choice. Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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